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First edition

Second edition

"I displace the air as I walk" is a collection of short literary pieces: narrative stories in condensed form and poem-like pieces that reflect larger universal themes of understanding and misunderstanding; communication and miscommunication.These writings are culled from Ms. Kanter's journals of the past eighteen years during which time she has lived and travelled in Madrid, Southern Spain, the Dominican Republic, Morocco and the United States. The book is divided into six geographical spaces and/or time frames each highlighted by a role definition:

The Wanderer: Spain 1967-69 
The Zookeeper: Caribe
The Guest: Morocco
The Expat: Boston 
The Stranger: Tarifa
The Resident: Madrid

For the 100 Im/polite Days project, I generated 100 tweets for 100 days on Twitter and Facebook from December 2, 2009 until March 10th to provoke thinking (my own and others) on the topic of communication and incommunication in general & politeness &impoliteness in particular; both within a culture &crossing cultures. Posterior to the live project, a book was produced.

"The Saddle Stitch Notebooks", a project of working pieces by Marjorie Kanter, was begun in March 2006. There are currently eight small booklets in the collection with eleven literary pieces in each volume. Each number focuses in some way on a theme: relationships, appearances, mishaps, juxtapositions, identities, codes, ingredients, and traces.


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Food, Migration, and Diversity

The Many Flavors of Short Story

Edited by: Maurice A. Lee and Aaron Penn

Includes: The Devil, his Prey, the Psychiatric Social Worker and the Actors


The Unamuno Author Series Festival Anthology

A Bilingual Anthology

Includes: Circularity




The Radiance of the Short Story

Fiction From Around the Globe

Edited by: Maurice A. Lee and Aaron Penn

Includes: The Waitress. 


Influence and Confluence: East and West 

A Global Anthology on the Short Story

Edited by: Maurice A. Lee 

Includes: Siesta Time


Unbraiding the Short Story

Edited by: Maurice A. Lee 

Includes: The Swiming Pool


Courting the Bull

An Anthology of Expatriate Literature in Spain

Edited by: Sarah E. Rogers

Includes: The Outsider and House Menu 



Edited by: Allen Hibbard and Barry Tharaud

Includes: Paul Bowles - Mixing Codes and Crossing Borders



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"Small Talk" by Marjorie Kanter is a collection of short literary or poem-like pieces largely based on real experience observed and/or participated in and some questions and reflections.  "It plays like jazz with improvisations, melody and different tempos.  Marjorie Kanter fills the texts with irony, humor and sensitivity.  To read her pieces is an expanded experience that changes every time your read them. Small Talk is a compilation of her work over a ten year period." (Delgado Guitart),  20 euros , La Espiral Escrita, 2016.  Copies available of the limited edition, signed and numbered

An on-going poetry-literary art project by Marjorie Kanter begun in 2007.  The project consists of a poetry-storytext by the author printed on a gray card (14 1/2 by 10 1/4 cm) & joined with an object that is carefully selected for meaning & size to go with the piece & then both items are popped into a zip-lock bag. For some texts, there are a variety of objects; each is then a separate piece.  As this began as a popular culture project, an attempt was made at the outset to find free or very cheap objects, always controlling for something that the author liked & felt satisfied with in its mesh with the text. As time has gone by, the project has expanded to include more unique objects, including a few antiques, one being a handkerchief hand embroidered by a great political grandmother.

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